
IEDA Registration

18th Industrial Exhibition on Intelligent Data and Image Analysis IEDA'2022

July 13-14, 2022, New York / USA


General Information

  • Exhibition date: 13.07.-14.07.2022
  • Exhibition fee: 1.900,- Euro (inclusive VAT)*

Registration Fee to the Exhibition includes:

  • Exhibition space: Each participent will become a table with power source and 2 square meter area. Editional service on request.
  • exhibition catalog

Registration form for exhibition space:

Please print registration form and fax a signed copy to +49 (0) 176 525 67 124

* We only accept payment via bank transfer.

Terms and Conditions

Registration Office

A.Registration Process and Payment Method

  1. Please fax the registeration form to +49 (0) 176 525 67 124
  2. We accept only bank transfer. After receipt of your registration we will send you the information for the bank transfer per email.
  3. Exhibition registrations will not be confirmed until the completed form and the correct payment is received and processed by the Registration Office.
  4. Registrant should obtain confirmation from the Registration Office before committing to other travel arrangements.
  5. Accommodation costs are not included in the exhibition registration fee.
    Attendees are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements.

B.Cancellation Policy

  1. Exhibition registration can be cancelled only in writing to IEDA Registration Office.
  2. Exhibition registration cancelled on or before June 20th, 2022 will be entitled to a 40 % refund. Registration cancelled after June 20th, 2022 will not be entitled for a refund.


Registration © Prof. Dr. Petra Perner exhibition © Prof. Dr. Petra Perner exhibition © Shutterstock